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Some find the following reviews helpful.
Beauty, danger, allegory and a can of worms un-opened
By .fgd
It is a documentary about a group of surfers, crazy mothers..., who flew in under the radar of a heavily policed country in Papua New Guinia, where human rights activists and journalists are effectively barred and discouraged. Their motive was to surf "the perfect wave", as they do all over the world. But they came away disturbed by what they had inadvertently discovered.
There is a strange poetic beauty to the idea of surfing the raser-edge of a wave as an allegory to fusing with nature or echo-tourism; mingling with the locals in respectful, unobtrusive ways or strangely flying in under the radar of military-policed country. Their sheer bravery of being in the middle of nowhere and no guarantees the locals are friendly is a little breathtaking. Especially after seeing another documentary once on West Papua, where the tribesmen are still dangerous. There is one woman among the daring surfers, which is emboldening to observe. Especially as she is far from civilization yet strutting around in quite a collection of colorful bikinis among men from a non-western culture; It certainly helped she was able and eager to connect and communicate with the womenfolk in the villages they came across. In every sense Isolated is a gripping extreme sport -type documentary and travelogue with people who rarely if ever see white people. Yet the beauty is a surf-board is not an intrusion on their natural way of life but almost a refinement of it. The music fitted the film, sounded great and, thankfully, modern without sounding commercialized.
So the surfer/producer went back in to try to get answers and there is a footnote at the end of the documentary when he went back to Indonesia to try to find out what the hell's going on. This was ineffectively addressed as the 3 star review rightly claims. I too was intrigued, because I enjoyed the poetry and magic of the film coming from a non-political viewpoint. But the film really does open up a can of worms. The repression from the Indonesian military is directly linked to a 1% owned mega-mining corporation. Look up the mining corporation mentioned in the film on Wikipedia and there is an in depth report via a link to Asia Times under " papugan anger focuses on world.....". Then there is no doubt that Indonesia sent the military to guard its financial interest in the mine because they are effectively hand in hand with said mega-global corporation; sadly American owned. By co-incidence I soon came across another interview documentary with John Perkins, who goes further in opening the can of worms with global corporations and The World Bank, who have been in the process on enslaving developing countries. Hence the fall-out of human abuses which disturbed the surfers in Isolated. Go to a link under Wikipedia / John Perkins from Sebastian Mallaby at the Washington Post and he discounts John Perkins' book " Confessions of An Economic Hitman " as a conspiracy theorist. Meanwhile citing Indonesia's success in reducing infant mortality rate and illiteracy by 2/3 through international aid. Yet Perkins states foreign aid is hand in hand with corporations meddling with 3rd world development. Yet the cross reference with the Asia Times clearly shows Indonesia being corrupted by mega-corporate money in order to benefit from Papugan mining and perpetuating human rights abuses mainly because they have jurisdiction over a country foreign to their own. It's complex. It's corrupt. Mainly because how corporations work globally is beyond the law because the world hasn't figured out International Law.
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