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Here are ‘The Rock.IT!’ tools: ‘First Stage’ – 5 Products – Free , Free+ , $0 , 2 – 2 , 1-2-5 , 3 , 5 , 7 – 7 , 9 , 10 , Next ‘Second Stage’ – Blog Tools – 15 , Free/19 , 19.95 , 20 , 25 , 25 , 25 – Up-grade , 30 , 35 , 37 , 40 , 44.95 , 50 , ‘Third Stage’ – Home/Cash Systems – 67 , 97 , 97 , 100 – 100 , 144.95 , 150 , 197 , 197 , ‘Fourth Stage’ – Car Incomes – 250 , 500 – 500 , ‘Fifth Stage’ – Rental/Home Payments – 1K – 1,000.00 , 1,644.95 , 3.5K – 3,500.00 , 5,144.95 , & ‘Your Revolution’ in Your Dreams!… etc.
And you can promote your personalized links through social sites for free with SOTAM and Pay-To-Click (PTC) sites like www.AdHitz.com , www.TrafficMonsoon.com , www.TrafficAuthorities.com , and in our ‘Copy & Paste‘ blogs around the globe to millions of people!
We use www.WinningRights.com to see how to use TV Time for ‘S to I’ transition investments online with 100% commission products for responsible retirement tips & tools. Consider www.McDads.com blog solutions and use www.BrentNunez.com with Responsible Financial Information for global success! – AFA.net , AFAfoundation.net , OneMillionDads.com , OneMillionMoms.com , OperationRescue , etc.
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Find out more in www.BrentNunez.com and details to take action today!
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Tom Hanks stars as Joe, a squashed bug of a guy under the heel of a hideous corporation, working in an awful office with bad air, bad light and lousy coffee… Then everything changes in this romantic comedy about courage and a man’s soul … of a man coming back to life on a journey that takes him halfway around the world. To the edge of great delight. To the brink of an exploding volcano.
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When you receive your new debit card in the mail you can order your tool sets for your affiliate business. We will need to verify your purchase of the tool set offer(s) and make our personal loan to you for the tool(s) that are approved by emailing me at BrentNunez@aol.com for details.
Your responsibility is to make your 10% monthly payments on-line automatically through the promotional sites we have in our tool packages for 12 months to complete the loan terms. The ability for you to promote and begin your affiliate business is instant once your order is placed for the tool(s). Some tools need to be set-up for use and most are instantly available with your personal links for promotions. You need to promote your tools on-line through free social sites, SOTAM and or Pay-To-Click sites to speed things up for sales, but you can make sales over and over again for as long as your tools are active!
The sites that you can make your monthly payments with are designed to promote your links and give you a promotional profile in our network, for your benefit, to make more affiliate sales and promotions. These sites will multiply your exposure to the global markets through our network of blogs, posts, and Pay-To-Click sites that we market globally! At the completion of your term payments you are free to continue or stop using our affiliate membership sites.
Here is our Free Marketing Machine system at www.WinningRights.us that we use as a free team building website system. You can add your first free link in this site and use tool number 1. Our example of this simple tool number 1 for email list services is Grow Your List & Incomes in www.IBOads.info and is our free email list for tips. And our site offer is for a one time $10.00 membership in www.IBOads.org simple email list tool site available with several offers in the back office for promotional links!
Tool number 1 or 2 is our www.ASimpleWebsiteSolution.info email processor system and membership that is a one time payment of $25.00 with a $10.00 recommended set-up cost inside. This tool is best used in the Free Marketing Machine as the second up-graded link with the 100 custom video pages that will show on each page at the left in a square banner! Or as the first link to create sales with members and tool 1 as the second link in order to build your list openly on web pages. You can earn email followers, $10, $25 and $97 commissions over and over again with these tool. This banner is showing on each of your custom video pages along with several share buttons for social sites that post very easily and are found just below the videos you post.
Remember ‘People helping People’ is how we do this… we help with 100% commissions tools and funding packages for affiliate memberships with easy and simple promotional profiles to multiple the affiliate’s marketing efforts through blogs, posts, email-lists in SOTAM, and PTC ads like in www.AdHitz.com global website networks! For more information about my personal loan offers just email me at BrentNunez@aol.com with your contact information.
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Most helpful customer reviews
36 of 39 people found the following review helpful.
Beware the Superstorm
By Joshua Koppel
I have to say that this film really reminded me of Armageddon. Not in story or plot, but in the way that the movie can be so enjoyable and make little sense when it comes to science and common sense. The movie is loosely based on the book THE COMING OF THE GLOBAL SUPERSTORM and concerns massive climate changes and how they affect life as we know it.
The movie begins on an ice shelf where a climatologist is taking core samples. These samples combined with events on the shelf drive the scientist (Quaid) to hypothesize that a new ice age is in the near future unless we change our ways now. To keep things moving, Quad is wrong on the time frame and things begin happening very quickly and drastically. Like ID4, we follow a number of groups as they are affected by the events, especially Quaid and his almost estranged family.
Typical of this type of film, politics and politicians are painted as bad guys although some do come to their senses. The action never lets up and the special effects are absolutely stunning. There are a couple of deleted scenes on the disk that really help link a number of events better than they were in the final product, but the movie worked well without them.
If you are a fan of disaster films then this is one of the biggest you could see. Check it out. – See all 1283 customer reviews…
and build your music collection & dynasty lifestyle here.
Find out more in www.MyWeather.ws… Wind Power ,
Take Action Now! – (Is The Grinch Stealing Christmas Futures?
We must rise up and join together to do whatever we can to save and protect our families and community for our future.
Get the movie in The Amazon here.
76 of 82 people found the following review helpful.
4.5 stars... riveting, and revolting, look at how Wall Street rigged the system
By Paul Allaer
"The Big Short" (2015 release; 130 min.) looks at a small group of people who came to realize that the housing bubble building up in the early and mid-2000 was unsustainable, and that the various financial products issued by Wall Street eventually would collapse. As the movie opens, we ge a short introduction on how banking evolved from a boring people's industry back in the 1980s to the hot shot market it would become in the new century. We then get introduced to Dr. Michael Burry (played by Christian Bale), a socially awkward fellow who loves heavy metal music and has an uncanny nose for spotting new trends in the financial markets. We also get to know Mark Baum (played by Steve Carell), an investment manager recovering from his brother's suicide and bent on calling out BS whenever he sees it. At this point we're 15 min. into the movie but to tell you more would spoil your viewing experience, you'll just have to see for yourself how it all plays out.
Couple of comments: first, this is the latest movie from pretty much the same production team that brought us "Moneyball" a few years ago, also based on the book by Michael Lewis, with Brad Pitt's "Plan B" production company being the main driver. Pitt, a central player in "Moneyball" here plays a smaller role. Second, "The Big Short" is directed by Adam McKay, best known for the "Anchorman" movies. In fact, there is a certain sense of irony and implausibility that is common to both "Anchorman" and "The Big Short". Not that "the Big Short" is a comedy or funny in any way. On the contrary, "The Big Short" is dead-serious in its assault on all things Wall Street, and rightfully so. You will revolt at the shady, and worse, practices that are going on. "An atomic bomb of stupidity and fraud" is how Steve Carell's character sums it up. Third, the acting performances are top-notch throughout, none more so (in my book anyway) than Christian Bale's tour de force as the socially awkward Dr. Burry. Ryan Gosling is also noteworthy, but the single biggest surprise is of course the cameo appearance by Selena Gomez, who pops in to explain the latest financial instrument ("synthetic CDO") in lay-man's terms. Yes, we literally get schooled by various celebrities (also appearing is Margot Robbie, among others) on what all the various financial products that the banks concoct mean in language that we can understand (not that it mattered, I still don't understand them). Lastly, please note that the camera work is quite rough, with endless super close-ups and/or out of focus shorts. It is the only aspect of an otherwise perfect movie that I'd call "an action movie for the brainiac". Also, if you wonder whether Led Zeppelin's "When The Levee Breaks" (which played prominently in the movie's trailer) is featured in the movie, no worries: it plays over the end titles.
"The Big Short" just opened in theaters and I couldn't wait to see it. The evening screening where I saw this at here in Cincinnati on Christmas Eve was very well attended, I am happy to report. Given the critical acclaim the movie has been getting, I'm thinking this has all the makings of a solid Christmas season hit that will continue to build as it gathers steam in the upcoming awards season. In a sense, this movie is the perfect antidote to the new "Star Wars" movie, proving there is room for both. "The Big Short" is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
See all 2555 customer reviews... - Find the movie in The Amazon here!
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Brent Nunez
1 Awesome Advertising Team! – Members Name Directory: // USA Index: A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z / 1-800’s / Global , Social , InfoWarsLife.com , Health , etc.
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Find more in AvailanetWorld Social Sites with global training for wealth in over 217 countries! – Here.
Power! = Personal, Overcoming, Willingness, Eternally, Relating! + There is an Army Rising Up… In.Him! +
Here I Am. = Proverbs 11:30 King James Version (KJV)
The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.
King James Version (KJV) Proverbs 11 complete. by Public Domain
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Here are ‘The Rock.IT!’ tools: ‘First Stage’ – 5 Products – Free , Free+ , $0 , 2 – 2 , 1-2-5 , 3 , 5 , 7 – 7 , 9 , 10 , Next ‘Second Stage’ – Blog Tools – 15 , Free/19 , 19.95 , 20 , 25 , 25 , 25 – Up-grade , 30 , 35 , 37 , 40 , 44.95 , 50 , ‘Third Stage’ – Home/Cash Systems – 67 , 97 , 97 , 100 – 100 , 144.95 , 150 , 197 , 197 , ‘Fourth Stage’ – Car Incomes – 250 , 500 – 500 , ‘Fifth Stage’ – Rental/Home Payments – 1K – 1,000.00 , 1,644.95 , 3.5K – 3,500.00 , 5,144.95 , & ‘Your Revolution’ in Your Dreams!… etc.
Our System Pattern Example: Get Your www.WinningRights.Us (Free) + Pick & Buy Your Product ($3D Code , 25 , 67 or 250) + Use Your SOTAM (Free/5DayEmails) = Sales/Team Builder/3D-Code Blog Pages or Your Product Sales ‘Over & Over’ with PayPal.com Free Purchase Buttons! You can get direct Instant Sales Income and Service tools through Your PayPal personal merchant account for income emails globally! Remember Set-Up Your PayPal & Verify with Your Bank then pick and purchase your product(s) and set-up your SOTAM email system for ‘Unique’ customer sales over and over through ‘FREE & Fresh’ emails every 5 days!
And you can promote your personalized links through social sites for free with SOTAM and Pay-To-Click (PTC) sites like www.AdHitz.com , www.TrafficMonsoon.com , www.TrafficAuthorities.com, and in our ‘Copy & Paste‘ blogs around the globe to millions of people!
We use www.WinningRights.Org to see how to use TV Time for ‘S to I’ transition investments online with 100% commission products for responsible retirement tips & tools. Consider www.McDads.com blog solutions and use www.BrentNunez.com with Responsible Financial Information for global success! – AFA.net , AFAfoundation.net , OneMillionDads.com , OneMillionMoms.com , OperationRescue , InfoWarsLife.com , Health , StopTheSteal.org , InfoWarsStore.com , etc.
Join Our Simple & Free Marketing Machine Team In www.WinningRights.Us – “Helping The Lord Fulfill His Promises In More Lives!”
Somebody here took us to church! – Jesus Is Free! – To Love Right… Is True! – www.4HISpr.Info ;-) WeTrustJesus!
Be.Free! – www.JVIM.org – www.AnchorStone.com – www.Equipper.com – www.BVOV.tv – www.TBN.org – TBN/tv Prayerline – www.1-888-731-1000.com for us all!
Check out the story about the candidates in the race and... the lady's just want a man to live Big. Freedom, Honor & Respect... is America's New View & Vision!
election efforts for 2016 and beyond.
Together is Honorable and Secure.
Views: 30
Power! = Personal, Overcoming, Willingness, Eternally, Relating! + There is an Army Rising Up… In.Him! +
Here I Am. = Proverbs 11:30 King James Version (KJV)
The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.
King James Version (KJV) Proverbs 11 complete. by Public Domain
Get Your Super Collection Of Music, CDs, & DVDs… and build your music collection & dynasty lifestyle here.
Here are ‘The Rock.IT!’ tools: ‘First Stage’ – 5 Products – Free , Free+ , $0 , 2 – 2 , 1-2-5 , 3 , 5 , 7 – 7 , 9 , 10 , Next ‘Second Stage’ – Blog Tools – 15 , Free/19 , 19.95 , 20 , 25 , 25 , 25 – Up-grade , 30 , 35 , 37 , 40 , 44.95 , 50 , ‘Third Stage’ – Home/Cash Systems – 67 , 97 , 97 , 100 – 100 , 144.95 , 150 , 197 , 197 , ‘Fourth Stage’ – Car Incomes – 250 , 500 – 500 , ‘Fifth Stage’ – Rental/Home Payments – 1K – 1,000.00 , 1,644.95 , 3.5K – 3,500.00 , 5,144.95 , & ‘Your Revolution’ in Your Dreams!… etc.
Our System Pattern Example: Get Your www.WinningRights.Us (Free) + Pick & Buy Your Product ($3D Code , 25 , 67 or 250) + Use Your SOTAM (Free/5DayEmails) = Sales/Team Builder/3D-Code Blog Pages or Your Product Sales ‘Over & Over’ with PayPal.com Free Purchase Buttons! You can get direct Instant Sales Income and Service tools through Your PayPal personal merchant account for income emails globally! Remember Set-Up Your PayPal & Verify with Your Bank then pick and purchase your product(s) and set-up your SOTAM email system for ‘Unique’ customer sales over and over through ‘FREE & Fresh’ emails every 5 days!
And you can promote your personalized links through social sites for free with SOTAM and Pay-To-Click (PTC) sites like www.AdHitz.com , www.TrafficMonsoon.com , www.TrafficAuthorities.com, and in our ‘Copy & Paste‘ blogs around the globe to millions of people!
We use www.WinningRights.Org to see how to use TV Time for ‘S to I’ transition investments online with 100% commission products for responsible retirement tips & tools. Consider www.McDads.com blog solutions and use www.BrentNunez.com with Responsible Financial Information for global success! – AFA.net , AFAfoundation.net , OneMillionDads.com , OneMillionMoms.com , OperationRescue , InfoWarsLife.com , Health , StopTheSteal.org , InfoWarsStore.com , etc.
Join Our Simple & Free Marketing Machine Team In www.WinningRights.Us – “Helping The Lord Fulfill His Promises In More Lives!”
Somebody here took us to church! – Jesus Is Free! – To Love Right… Is True! – www.4HISpr.Info ;-) WeTrustJesus!
Be.Free! – www.JVIM.org – www.AnchorStone.com – www.Equipper.com – www.BVOV.tv – www.TBN.org – TBN/tv Prayerline – www.1-888-731-1000.com for us all!
Check out the story about the candidates in the race and... the lady's just want a man to live Big. Freedom, Honor & Respect... is America's New View & Vision!
election efforts for 2016 and beyond.
Together is Honorable and Secure.
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Find more in AvailanetWorld Social Sites with global training for wealth in over 217 countries! – Here.
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