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15 of 17 people found the following review helpful.
5 Who knew the story of the flamingos could be so interesting...
By C. Thomas
I certainly didn't before just watching this documentary.

A few observations -

(1) Very Un-Disneynature like when compared to Chimpanzee and African Cats. There were no cheesy scripts or cliche story lines. This was a straight-up old school solid nature documentary.

(2) The visuals were of course stunning (- like all Disneynature films). The action focuses on Lake Natron in Tanzania because this is where the vast majority of Lesser Flamingos come to breed. These flamingos while most numerous population wise among various flamingo species is classified as Near Threatened due to the fact that there breeding sites are too few, and all are presently threatened by human development.

(3) A few tough moments that made this guy tear up. (Not going to give anything away don't worry.) That said, these scenes should not dissuade you or your kids from watching this movie.

In summary, I learned a whole lot about a species I knew almost nothing about before. I found this movie highly educational as well as highly entertaining. I also think this may have just become my favorite Disneynature film too date, and I hope that future documentaries follow in this style instead of creating contrived story lines like Chimpanzee.
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8 of 10 people found the following review helpful.
5 Oceans
By Carlos E. Velasquez
Nature has never been captured in its entire splendor as in present times. The technology used today in filming life is just amazing, and it is truly a pleasure to watch nature-related movies. The Disney Studios did not stay behind these advances, and developed the awesome DisneyNature series of documentaries. Not too long ago, they released the delightful "Earth," and now they successfully return with "Oceans," an equally magnificent documentary, this time taking a look at our water world.

Contrary to many of the current films that examine nature in detail, which at times may be heavy for younger minds, "Oceans" is easy to follow and understand. The images do the work and send the message. The cameras take us to almost every corner of the planet, and we watch the incredible array of inhabitants of the sea, all in their very particular environment. There are the iguanas from the Galapagos Islands, horseshoe crabs, white sharks, polar bears, assorted fishes from tropical and temperate waters (including the famous clown fish, from Disney Movies), different species of whales, sea urchins, sea lions, Mantis shrimps, dugongs, eels, turtles, birds - you name it, is here. Of course, there are also some interactions shown, such as birds preying on recently hatched turtles on the way to the sea, Blue whales feeding on krill, White sharks hunting sea lions, and more. Finally, the filmmakers make the connection between the fragility of the oceans and man's appetite for destruction, via pollution and over-fishing, concluding that "human indifference is the oceans' greatest threat."

Masterfully directed by Jacques Perrin and Jacques Cluzaud, and with astonishing photography by an assortment of talented personnel, "Oceans" is the perfect introduction to our children to this majestic environment, much better if it is shared with us, their parents. I am sure that it will have an impact on both. The superb Blu-Ray and DVD package includes filmmaker's annotations, music videos, a segment about the DisneyNature series, and more. Released October 19, 2010. (USA, 2010, color, 84 min plus additional materials).

Reviewed on October 17, 2010 exclusively by Eric Gonzalez for [...].

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78 of 80 people found the following review helpful.
5 Mazel Tov, Katzenberg!
By Markarian
How exactly do you translate the story of Exodus...the story of freedom...into an Animated film...? How did they do it? Rarely have I felt tears at the BEGINNING of a movie...when Y'sheved(Moses' Mother) started to sing her lullaby IN HEBREW, I almost started crying. Since I always prefer animated films to the "real thing", I felt "finally, a perfect film..." Being Jewish and seeing this movie during the month of Pesach(Passover) was literally a religious experience. I was touched. Seeing the people sing Mi'Chamocha as the left Egypt pulled tears from my heart. I was so happy to see the way the film was executed. Don't get me wrong, this is a film for all peoples. But it seems to almost be aimed at the Jewish Community. And I think this movie is better than ANY live action film to date. I could literally hear the Words from the Torah in my mind as I watched. The music was too incredible to describe, the voices a special treat, especially Jeff Goldblum as Aaron. This movie may not be historically accurate, but it is a well rounded account that has achieved an incredible thing. The Hebrew singing was too much for me, again, I wanted to cry because it was so amazing to see it on the screen, and feel like you are there. L'Chiam, Katzenberg, Dreamworks SKG. Thank you for adding something to the list with The Ten Commandments and Schindler's List and La Vita E Bella (Life is Beautiful). If you have to buy any movie for you or your children, please buy this one. It may be a little violent, but the sheer fact that Dreamworks is not afraid to show what it might have been like is something to applaud. The movie is a masterpiece. Watch it, it is a NEW experience...

35 of 37 people found the following review helpful.
5 Rebuttal review for trezku13
By S. A. Hildebrand
I am pleased to offer this review for what I consider to be one of the finest animated films of all time. The review is partially in response to a rather malicious one offered by a reviewer known as trezku13. I felt it necessary to rebut some of this person's inaccurate comments.
The movie puts a disclaimer at the beginning to inform the viewer that there are artistic and dramatic licenses taken with the story (a.k.a. whales in the Sea of Reeds). You should be prepared for this when you watch it. If you're watching this with the book of Exodus in your lap, you will see some differences in the two accounts. These changes don't adulterate the message of the story and should not detract from the viewing experience. Some differences to note are:
1) Seti's wife finding Moses rather than his daughter (Exodus 2:5),
2) The idea that Moses didn't know he was Hebrew and had no contact with his family (Exodus 2:7-11),
3) Moses' "accidentally killing the Egyptian rather than deliberately killing him (Exodus 2:12),
4) Ramses pleading with Moses to stay in Egypt as opposed to Pharaoh seeking to kill him (Exodus 2:15),
5) Any idea of personal rivalry between Pharaoh and Moses,
6) Moses speaking by himself before Pharaoh instead of Aaron speaking for him (Exodus 4:14-16),
7) An exaggerated role for Zipporah when she is actually hardly mentioned.
These changes may seem unnecessary, however they do add intrigue to the narrative and, as before mentioned, do not in any way seriously alter the story.
The quality of the music does fall firmly into the realm of opinion. However, as a person who holds a degree in music, and has performed and taught professionally for many years, my professional and personal opinion is that the music is quite wonderful. The comments made by another reviewer make me wonder if this person actually watched this movie. A comment about Steve Martin and Martin Short sounding least like their singing voices is the most absurd because they actually sang their own song. The singing voices are very closely matched to the point that I didn't know until watching the credits that Danny Glover had not sung his own song. A comment was also made about the firstborn sequence. The plague of the firstborn sequence is why this movie gets a PG rating. Focusing on the children dying rather than everyone involved makes sense, because that's the most shocking aspect of the final plague. It is also noteworthy that this tragedy is brought upon Egypt because of Pharaoh's stubbornness, not God's lack of compassion. A comment was also made about the two Egyptian soldiers dropping their staves and joining the Israelite's. I found this to be a subtle nuance that demonstrates the serious research that went into the making of this movie. Exodus 9:20 makes it clear that there were Egyptians who feared the Hebrew God; and Exodus 12:38 records that many other people besides Hebrews participated in the exodus. There is no inaccuracy in the movie's depiction.
The wonderful music, superb performances by the actors, and breath-taking visual presentation make this a landmark event in animated movies. It has set a standard that all animated movies since have had to live up to.
A final note is in regard to the PG rating. This movie is rated PG so as to encourage parents to watch this with their children and guide them through the movie's more mature themes. Please consider this as I highly recommend this movie people of all ages.

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